
The work of first Semester

We learnt Principle's of Design in first semester. I learnt many things from that course, mainly ever drawing or sketch starts from a line.

"Then what is line"?

It is not a line which is drawn from A to B. According to graphic designer, Line contains only of the dimension of its length, but, in terms of art and design, we know line can have varying width as well and it can be drawn free hand also.
"Even these words and letters you're reading now are made up of thousands of curved, angled and straight lines".
More clearly line can be explained as, a point in motion, capable of infinite variety. line is the most common in design.

Some more points on line:

Lines convey mood and feelings.
• Line is created by movement • Line is capable of infinite variety. • Our eye tends to follow line.

Descriptions for line: • Nervous • Excited • Calm • Graceful • Dancing • Artful

THE PROJECT GIVEN TO US WAS TO CREATE LINES, Lines which create emotions,feelings.

So, I tried in making some lines with feeling and emotions etc..,

This lines are very thick and wave in nature. This lines has width, length, motions. I took sheet of A3 and drawn wave line in a box (8x8,inches). After the drawing the lines i cut the inner layers of the line, at the back i kept a Blue sheet. So, that everyone can feel that lines.

